Thursday, June 16, 2011

Cemetery Girl Poem 30 Day Challenge - Day Seven

how many times have you wished there was someone to stand in your place,
to take the blame for the moments when you could not be as strong as you needed to be,
to hold your hand, give you a word of encouragement...

don't you know that you have an angel and that your angel looks just like you?
every time you look in a mirror you are looking into the eyes of the most
powerful angel in all of heaven. 
sometimes we hover outside of ourselves, 
cheering from the side when we are doing things oh so well,
and other times we stand back aghast in shock at how depraved we have become...
always though, our heart is the most comfortable abode
of our angel.
we must realize we are never alone and that if we call out, 
then listen,
our angel of power, love and understanding
 is there to avail us.

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